Tuesday, August 5, 2008

God is Love!

I couldn't sleep last night for thinking of this verse, 1 John 4:16. Now this is a simple verse that Mary Grace learned early on in Cubbies, but it packs powerful meaning, "...God is Love...". In fact, the Lord drew it to my attention as Mary Grace and Hannah were quoting scripture in the car yesterday. Okay, before you are wowed by the fact that I was having my girls quote scripture you should know that I use it as a tool to stop arguments in the backseat! Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, scripture...I just failed to hear it until He spelled it out in black and white for me. When I awakened this morning, I read from Edges of His Ways by Amy Carmichael, and what to my amazement did I see staring back at me? Yes. 1 John 4:16 in its entirety. Not for today's reading mind you; I read yesterday's by mistake. However, with yesterday's reading, today's wouldn't have been nearly as impacting. The following is a portion of today's passage:

"Should any of us feel as though the love which we must have, if we are to help anyone, is beginning to run dry (dried up perhaps over some very difficult soul) think of the Fountain. It never runs dry. "Love through me, Love of God."

The Lord has shown me exactly what I have needed from this "small phrase" inside this scripture. If you are in the midst of a challenging situation with a person or "over a very difficult soul", just remember that God is Love!