Monday, June 9, 2008

June 2nd Biopsy Results

I just spoke with Abigail's GI at ACH. The biopsy showed that Abigail has increased eosinophils at 12/hpf in her lower esophagus. This number is no where near the 90/hpf like it was in December, but there should never be any eos present in the esophagus. There was also slight furrowing again. Her doctor doesn't want to change anything right now since we will be going to Cincinnati Children's in August. My question is; if we sit, wait, and do nothing will her eosinophils continue to rise? I guess that is something we will have to wait and see about. Abigail is still only drinking about a maximum of 21oz. per day, but she is maintaining her weight so her doctor is happy with it. For now anyway. Thankfully, her doctor is going to email, Dr. Putnum (Cincinnati GI) to give him the results of this last biopsy. Now, we continue to wait.